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New rules

Note: All rules currently in effect are posted to the "Rules – current and history" page.

OAR 436-009, Oregon Medical Fee and Payment
OAR 436-010, Medical Services
OAR 436-015, Managed Care Organizations

Effective date: April 1, 2025 | Filing certificates
Concerning: Workers' compensation medical fees and payments, medical services, interpreter services, and managed care organizations 
Complete divisions with changes marked: 009 | 010 | 015

OAR 436-009, Oregon Medical Fee and Payment

Effective date: January 1, 2025 | Filing certificate

Concerning: Adoption of new medical billing codes for 2025 (temporary rules)
Complete division with changes marked: 009

OAR 436-060, Claims Administration

Effective date: July 1, 2024 | Filing certificate

Concerning: Claims administration clarifications; implementation of SB 418 (2023)
Complete division with changes marked: 060

OAR 436-120, Vocational Assistance to Injured Workers

Effective date: July 1, 2024 | Filing certificate
Concerning: Vocational assistance eligibility, vocational benefits clarifications and updates
Complete division with changes marked: 120

OAR 436-009, Oregon Medical Fee and Payment
OAR 436-010, Medical Services
OAR 436-015, Managed Care Organizations

Effective date: April 1, 2024 | Filing certificates
Concerning: Workers' compensation medical fees and payments, medical services, interpreter services, and managed care organizations 
Complete divisions with changes marked: 009 | 010 | 015

OAR 436-009, Oregon Medical Fee and Payment
OAR 436-010, Medical Services
OAR 436-015, Managed Care Organizations

Effective date: Jan. 1, 2024 | Filing certificates
Concerning: Implementation of Enrolled House Bill 3412 (2023) & Enrolled House Bill 2696 (2023) and adoption of temporary changes, new medical billing codes for 2024
Complete divisions with changes marked: 009 | 010 | 015

OAR 436-070, Workers' Benefit Fund 

Effective date: Jan. 1, 2024 | Filing certificate
Concerning: 2024 Workers' Benefit Fund Assessment Rate
Complete division with changes marked: 070

OAR 436-030, Claim Closure and Reconsideration
OAR 436-060, Claims Administration, and 
OAR 436-120, Vocational Assistance to Injured Workers

Effective date: Jan. 1, 2024 | Filing certificate
Concerning: Implementation of Enrolled House Bill 4138 (2022); Ombuds office name update
Complete divisions with changes marked: 030 | 060 | 120

Marie​ Rogers: 971-286-0316​​​

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