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Modernization program information

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Modernization Program overview

WCD created the Modernization Program in 2019 to provide strategic leadership and oversight for process, system and application improvements. While most characterize modernization as only a “technology” project, it’s just as much about people and process. The Modernization Program will bring multiple technologies together for an overall solution to enhance operational efficiency and user experience for the Worker’s Compensation Division (WCD). Modernization Program’s main focus will be to manage the entire process, communications, leadership and stakeholder engagement for the Worker’s Compensation Information System (WCIS) Project.

WCIS Project impact

The WCIS project will solely focus on the work associated with identifying a vendor to implement a new singular solution to replace current WCD legacy systems which are outmoded technology and offer limited digital and self-service options. The new system and associated processes will improve our services, responses, over accessibility to customers. The new system will replace current systems for the purpose of filing, managing, disputing and resolving Workers’ Compensation Claims used by Employers, Insurers, Self-Insured Employers, Healthcare Providers, Preferred Workers, Service Companies, Injured Workers, Managed Care Organizations, Attorneys, and IME.

WCIS Project timeline

The WCIS Project kicked off in 2019 and is expected to be completed by 2029. The first phases of the project will include preparation for the Vendor selection. Once the vendor is selected the Modernization team will work with the selected vendor to conduct all due diligence in preparation for replacing multiple systems with one new system. The implementation will be phased over a six-year period due to the complexity of the integrations.

​​​Contact us
800-452-0288 (toll free)
​ 503-947-7585 (general questions)​

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