Oregon has several programs to help employers bring injured workers back to the job more quickly and safely. All parties benefit from these programs. In many cases, the programs can save money for employers while helping workers become self-sufficient after their injury.
Employer-at-Injury Program (EAIP)
The Employer-at-Injury Program encourages the early return to work of injured workers by helping lower an employer’s early return-to-work costs and claim costs. The insurer helps the employer develop transitional work and request reimbursement for its costs.
Program benefits and qualifications
Preferred Worker Program (PWP)
The Preferred Worker Program helps qualified Oregon workers who have permanent restrictions from on-the-job injuries and who are not able to return to their regular employment because of those injuries. Preferred workers can offer Oregon employers a chance to save money by hiring them.
Program benefits and qualifications

How the Preferred Worker Program can help you
An on-the-job accident left Chris Matthews permanently disabled. Learn how the Preferred Worker Program helped him re-enter the labor market.
Vocational assistance
The workers’ compensation insurance carrier provides vocational assistance to help injured workers return to suitable employment after an on-the-job injury.
Vocational assistance certification and tools